For many, the greatest block to manifesting greater levels of money and abundance in their life is actually the fear that abundance will in fact drive them to become more of who they already are.
They fear that it will magnify their shortcomings (as in becoming a mental wreck like multi-billionaire Howard Hughes who died alone in rags and filth because his money supported his aberrations). They forget that it also magnifies their strengths (like Oprah Winfrey, Montel Williams, or Tom Cruise who have been known to be generous with both their money and their time to those in true need).
The truth is that money is much like a gun or a knife in that it's results depends on whose hands it is in. The same gun used to defend a loved one from harm can be used to hold up a liquor store. The same money that can be used to get medicine for a dying spouse can be given to a hit man to blow that spouse away.
If you cannot trust yourself with receiving more money, the best use you can make of the money you do have is to find out why and solve your disempowering money problems.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
When people focus on manifesting money alone, they limit the abundance that the universe can provide. For abundance is much more than money, it is personal qualities such as physical gifts like health, strength, and athletic skills or mental gifts like talents, skills, knowledge or emotional gifts like influencing others.
Of these, the greatest gift is connecting with others. For no one can do or know everything on their own. The greatest abundance of all is knowing others who can and will help you reach your goals as you help them reach theirs. That is why the Internet is so powerful because it provides a way for all kinds of people to more easily exchange abundance. The ancient Chinese knew this and it is why their symbol for abundance is many people pulling together.
If you want to know the secret to success in business it is this: "that you get what you want from life by helping others get what they want from life". It is just that simple. Those who serve the most people get the most money. Look around and you will see that the businesses which are the most successful are those which offer a superior product, at attractive prices, with great customer support, and a genuine commitment to customer satisfaction.
All this springs from their core desire to serve others to best of their ability. The motivation for this is often just money but those that succeed the most link their motivation to love. This ironically is a very logical proposition: if love is the most powerful force in the universe and if it is very strongly linked to a money making goal, then that goal will be fulfilled abundantly and the money will flow like water!
Take the case of Roberta Guaspari, the violin teacher who started a music program for the inner city children of Harlem, NY, and upon whose life the movie "Music of the Heart" was based. When the funding was cut for her violin program by the school system, she fought to save it by putting on a recital featuring performances by her best students. Despite initial enthusiasm, the recital was nearly cancelled when the appointed theatre suffered flooding.
Yet at that moment, Carnegie Hall, hearing of her heroic efforts, offered her their space for free and recruited several internationally renowned musicians to appear with the students. The recital was successful enough to keep Guaspari's music program going for another three years. This attracted the movie and now the future of her music program is virtually guaranteed. This all resulted from financial barriers paving the road to success.
Those who by karma evolve to a more balanced view of money realize that it is just another aspect of the energy of spirit made visible in form. The energy of spirit takes on many forms in the physical world: like love, time, space, and nature to name a few.
No one ever says: "it is bad to have more love in my life... or more time, or more space, or more natural resources that are freely abundant to everyone" like air, sunshine, and so on. In fact, people desperately seek love, take time for granted, occupy space without really noticing it, and ignore nature unless it gets in the way.
No one says "give me less love, less time, less space, and while you are at it, cut down on the air I need to have every moment and without which I will be dead in three minutes". Yet these same people say give me less money when they believe that it is "evil" and will keep them from "being a good person" or from "becoming more spiritual".
Was Buddha corrupted by wealth he was born into? No, he gave it up for spirit. Was Jesus corrupted by the manifesting abundant food ("loaves and fishes") for his audience? Certainly not. All Jesus objected to money being worshipped instead of God.
No one ever says: "it is bad to have more love in my life... or more time, or more space, or more natural resources that are freely abundant to everyone" like air, sunshine, and so on. In fact, people desperately seek love, take time for granted, occupy space without really noticing it, and ignore nature unless it gets in the way.
No one says "give me less love, less time, less space, and while you are at it, cut down on the air I need to have every moment and without which I will be dead in three minutes". Yet these same people say give me less money when they believe that it is "evil" and will keep them from "being a good person" or from "becoming more spiritual".
Was Buddha corrupted by wealth he was born into? No, he gave it up for spirit. Was Jesus corrupted by the manifesting abundant food ("loaves and fishes") for his audience? Certainly not. All Jesus objected to money being worshipped instead of God.
money is energy 3
From a spiritual point of view, money and materialism are illusions that hide the true nature and meaning of life. If our true purpose involves remembering and living a sacred journey that leads to the continual awareness of the presence of God, then an obsession with wealth and possessions can lead us astray.
That said, we can notice that a few of the most spiritually advanced beings who have ever walked the Earth have also been among the wealthiest individuals of their cultures (St. Germaine and Joseph of Arimathea come to mind). So I feel that the concept of money is clarified if we can begin to perceive money as energy. When put in that context, money is a ''flow of energy'' similar to Life Force energy — prana, or chi — not spiritually different from kinetic or atomic energy, electricity, heat, or any other natural force.
As with all forms of energy, the flow of money follows the Laws of Creation. And as with all energy flows, balance is the key. Electrical devices function only with the proper flow of current. Too much, and the wires and equipment burn up; too little, and nothing works. It is the same with the heat that keeps us warm and comfortable. Too much, and we burn; too little, and we freeze.
But what is ''too much'' for a human being? As with all other forms of energy, the answer to this is an individual matter, depending on their function and purpose in Life. The appropriate amount of heat to make our homes comfortable would be woefully inadequate for making horseshoes. The amount of electricity that a digital camera uses would be a drop in the bucket for running a refrigerator. The amount of money that is appropriate for another is something we cannot judge. We can only determine this for ourselves.
But there is a criterion we can apply to money, as with all forms of energy, and that is that it must flow. Just as we experience insufficient chi in the body as sickness, we experience an insufficient flow of money as dis-ease. In our modern culture, a lack of financial energy flow often becomes a form of stress that can divert us from our path. But the reverse situation is equally dis-easeful. Too much chi, blocked and concentrated, leads to illness in the body. And money that is hoarded in fear that we will not have enough also leads to a condition of spiritual dis-ease.
When we have balance with money, we have total faith that whatever we need will be provided. We are not afraid to spend money on ourselves or use it to help others. The money itself is not an issue. We do whatever we are here to do, knowing that the resources will flow to us and through us.
So the key seems to be the realization that abundance, like love, exists in appropriate measure as soon as we release our fears concerning it. Like love, money simply flows to us as we need it, and flows from us as we seek to create peace and beauty around us, for ourselves and others. With the ease and understanding born of faith in ourselves and the Creator, our financial life can become a manifestation of all that is good.
So in this month's Spirit of Ma'at we explore the ideas of many men and women on what money means, how it relates to a healthy spiritual life, and how we can manifest in our own lives the abundance that is at the heart of Creation.
In love and service,
That said, we can notice that a few of the most spiritually advanced beings who have ever walked the Earth have also been among the wealthiest individuals of their cultures (St. Germaine and Joseph of Arimathea come to mind). So I feel that the concept of money is clarified if we can begin to perceive money as energy. When put in that context, money is a ''flow of energy'' similar to Life Force energy — prana, or chi — not spiritually different from kinetic or atomic energy, electricity, heat, or any other natural force.
As with all forms of energy, the flow of money follows the Laws of Creation. And as with all energy flows, balance is the key. Electrical devices function only with the proper flow of current. Too much, and the wires and equipment burn up; too little, and nothing works. It is the same with the heat that keeps us warm and comfortable. Too much, and we burn; too little, and we freeze.
But what is ''too much'' for a human being? As with all other forms of energy, the answer to this is an individual matter, depending on their function and purpose in Life. The appropriate amount of heat to make our homes comfortable would be woefully inadequate for making horseshoes. The amount of electricity that a digital camera uses would be a drop in the bucket for running a refrigerator. The amount of money that is appropriate for another is something we cannot judge. We can only determine this for ourselves.
But there is a criterion we can apply to money, as with all forms of energy, and that is that it must flow. Just as we experience insufficient chi in the body as sickness, we experience an insufficient flow of money as dis-ease. In our modern culture, a lack of financial energy flow often becomes a form of stress that can divert us from our path. But the reverse situation is equally dis-easeful. Too much chi, blocked and concentrated, leads to illness in the body. And money that is hoarded in fear that we will not have enough also leads to a condition of spiritual dis-ease.
When we have balance with money, we have total faith that whatever we need will be provided. We are not afraid to spend money on ourselves or use it to help others. The money itself is not an issue. We do whatever we are here to do, knowing that the resources will flow to us and through us.
So the key seems to be the realization that abundance, like love, exists in appropriate measure as soon as we release our fears concerning it. Like love, money simply flows to us as we need it, and flows from us as we seek to create peace and beauty around us, for ourselves and others. With the ease and understanding born of faith in ourselves and the Creator, our financial life can become a manifestation of all that is good.
So in this month's Spirit of Ma'at we explore the ideas of many men and women on what money means, how it relates to a healthy spiritual life, and how we can manifest in our own lives the abundance that is at the heart of Creation.
In love and service,
Money is energy 2
Many people on the different spiritual paths do not feel that they can have all the money they may desire in life and still own and act upon their spiritual principles too. In fact Money Energy IS Spiritual Energy, it is a measure of goodwill that we exchange with one another for the use of products and services that might not otherwise be available for us. Money Energy can be as much a source of Love and Good as any other energy that we may choose to focus our attentions upon. Money Energy in and of itself is not evil, bad or wrong. How someone chooses to use their own Money Energy determines what impact it will have on that person and the world around them. If someone makes what another sees as being a poor or wrong decision, then Money Energy gets the blame for that person's actions. Yet the Money Energy itself did not make the choice; it is only the servant of those who allow it into their lives.
In truth, Money Energy is given unto us from Spirit/Universe/Source because our planet has decided that Money Energy in one form or another is an appropriate unit of exchange. At one time some peoples used Cowrie Shells as their unit of exchange. Would we all think now that those people were bad or wrong or that Cowrie Shells are bad or wrong? Of course not! Many people would say it would be very silly to go about saying that Cowrie Shells are bad or evil because at one time people placed a high value on them. They are simply shells that can be appreciated for their beauty and that they have given of themselves to provide a home and safety for the creatures who inhabit them. Well, the same is true of the paper and coins that we refer to as Money. Money Energy is given in exchange for something that has meaning and value for us. For one person it may be the means that allows them to purchase spiritually oriented books, videos or CD's that adds immeasurably to their personal growth and ability to be kinder and more loving towards themselves and others. Certainly this is a wonderful byproduct of the use of Money Energy! For another person Money Energy is the means by which they provide a warm and secure home for themselves and their beloved family. Yes, there are people that choose to use their Money Energy in ways that others may feel is bad or wrong. And yet this does not make Money Energy itself bad or wrong! Spirit in all its wisdom gave each of us free will. We have the ability to make choices based on what we know in the present moment, choices that we feel are right and good for us. Spirit does not look upon Money Energy and say that it is wrong or evil because some people choose to use it in ways that perhaps you or I would not. And every choice that any individual makes is also an opportunity for growth and change. In an abundance of highly positive ways!
Money Energy can be used to feed the hungry, help to provide medical resources for those who are ill and in pain, house those who are in need of shelter. It can be used to bring joy into the hearts and minds of millions of other people. Its purpose is to help us to evolve on every level, including the spiritual. The choices that we make in regards to how we attract and spend our own Money Energy does help us to evolve on all levels. Its difficult to focus on the Higher when one is hungry or in need of a warm place to sleep for the night! Having more than a sufficient supply of Money Energy for your own needs and desires also allows you to be able to share more with others. Someone once said that the rich and healthy do far more good in the world than all the sick and poor. When I first heard this statement I must admit I railed against it somewhat. Yet, it is true! For if you have wealth, then you are not needing to rely on others to provide for you. You are able to meet your own needs and the needs of others that you may choose to be of support to. If you are healthy, then you can use some of your Money Energy to remain that way and thus not contribute to the vibration that believes in pain and sickness. If you have sufficient Money Energy in your life then you are able to purchase goods and services from others and this supports their prosperity and growth too. A ripple effect occurs when people use their Money Energy and especially when it is spent and shared in the spirit of love and joy. The is the Love of Spirit coming through the Money Energy and supports the shop owner who is now able to hire an assistant, thus contributing to the Money Energy of another who really needs/wants to have that job. That person is now better able to pay their rent/mortgage/bills and thus helps to contribute to the financial well being of that many more people. Who in turn are able to make the choice to donate some of their Money Energy to the shelter down the street which is providing a much needed service for battered women or drug addicts who are seeking to turn their lives around. Then those folks are able to move forward in their lives, begin to prosper on all levels and the cycle continues to flow and move ever outward!
Money Energy is one way that Spirit has of flowing its love and support to all of us. There is a ready supply for all, no one is meant to live in want and poverty. Yet one of the beliefs that hold many people in a state of poverty is the belief that money is not spiritual, that it is bad, wrong, hard to come by, God does not like wealthy people and so forth. All of this is untrue! It may feel true to you right now because it is what you have been led to believe and yet look around you. You probably know people that do have wealth, that feel Money Energy is easy to attract and that it is an energy that can be put to some very high and spiritual purposes in the world. And the more that Money Energy finds its way into the hands of those who are spiritually evolving on the planet at this time, the more and faster we shall see miraculous changes and great healing taking place all over the world!
In truth, Money Energy is given unto us from Spirit/Universe/Source because our planet has decided that Money Energy in one form or another is an appropriate unit of exchange. At one time some peoples used Cowrie Shells as their unit of exchange. Would we all think now that those people were bad or wrong or that Cowrie Shells are bad or wrong? Of course not! Many people would say it would be very silly to go about saying that Cowrie Shells are bad or evil because at one time people placed a high value on them. They are simply shells that can be appreciated for their beauty and that they have given of themselves to provide a home and safety for the creatures who inhabit them. Well, the same is true of the paper and coins that we refer to as Money. Money Energy is given in exchange for something that has meaning and value for us. For one person it may be the means that allows them to purchase spiritually oriented books, videos or CD's that adds immeasurably to their personal growth and ability to be kinder and more loving towards themselves and others. Certainly this is a wonderful byproduct of the use of Money Energy! For another person Money Energy is the means by which they provide a warm and secure home for themselves and their beloved family. Yes, there are people that choose to use their Money Energy in ways that others may feel is bad or wrong. And yet this does not make Money Energy itself bad or wrong! Spirit in all its wisdom gave each of us free will. We have the ability to make choices based on what we know in the present moment, choices that we feel are right and good for us. Spirit does not look upon Money Energy and say that it is wrong or evil because some people choose to use it in ways that perhaps you or I would not. And every choice that any individual makes is also an opportunity for growth and change. In an abundance of highly positive ways!
Money Energy can be used to feed the hungry, help to provide medical resources for those who are ill and in pain, house those who are in need of shelter. It can be used to bring joy into the hearts and minds of millions of other people. Its purpose is to help us to evolve on every level, including the spiritual. The choices that we make in regards to how we attract and spend our own Money Energy does help us to evolve on all levels. Its difficult to focus on the Higher when one is hungry or in need of a warm place to sleep for the night! Having more than a sufficient supply of Money Energy for your own needs and desires also allows you to be able to share more with others. Someone once said that the rich and healthy do far more good in the world than all the sick and poor. When I first heard this statement I must admit I railed against it somewhat. Yet, it is true! For if you have wealth, then you are not needing to rely on others to provide for you. You are able to meet your own needs and the needs of others that you may choose to be of support to. If you are healthy, then you can use some of your Money Energy to remain that way and thus not contribute to the vibration that believes in pain and sickness. If you have sufficient Money Energy in your life then you are able to purchase goods and services from others and this supports their prosperity and growth too. A ripple effect occurs when people use their Money Energy and especially when it is spent and shared in the spirit of love and joy. The is the Love of Spirit coming through the Money Energy and supports the shop owner who is now able to hire an assistant, thus contributing to the Money Energy of another who really needs/wants to have that job. That person is now better able to pay their rent/mortgage/bills and thus helps to contribute to the financial well being of that many more people. Who in turn are able to make the choice to donate some of their Money Energy to the shelter down the street which is providing a much needed service for battered women or drug addicts who are seeking to turn their lives around. Then those folks are able to move forward in their lives, begin to prosper on all levels and the cycle continues to flow and move ever outward!
Money Energy is one way that Spirit has of flowing its love and support to all of us. There is a ready supply for all, no one is meant to live in want and poverty. Yet one of the beliefs that hold many people in a state of poverty is the belief that money is not spiritual, that it is bad, wrong, hard to come by, God does not like wealthy people and so forth. All of this is untrue! It may feel true to you right now because it is what you have been led to believe and yet look around you. You probably know people that do have wealth, that feel Money Energy is easy to attract and that it is an energy that can be put to some very high and spiritual purposes in the world. And the more that Money Energy finds its way into the hands of those who are spiritually evolving on the planet at this time, the more and faster we shall see miraculous changes and great healing taking place all over the world!
Money is energy
Money is energy & the beliefs you hold about it shape your experience. Changing the way you think about money will change the way it shows up in your life.
Money Is Energy is a concept that came to me over twenty years ago. I wish to share it with as many people as possible, especially during these challenging times.
It starts simply with the fact that everything is energy. Matter is just energy that has been slowed down enough for it to take form and to be visible to us.
Any time you have questions I encourage you to ask them so that you will have clarity regarding what I am conveying. I have found from working with clients that the more I can explain things the more it removes any fear the person has and the freer they become.
Since everything is energy based, once a small amount of negative emotion is removed the greater the person’s freedom in all areas of their life and not just the area where the negative energy was bound.
So please ask away.
Since Money Is Energy, no matter what you may currently think, there is an abundance of money. It is just a matter of tapping into that energy. It doesn’t require any special level of intelligence or schooling.
Energy is what you are made of so in a way you can say that you are made of money and be completely accurate.
Money Is Energy is a concept that came to me over twenty years ago. I wish to share it with as many people as possible, especially during these challenging times.
It starts simply with the fact that everything is energy. Matter is just energy that has been slowed down enough for it to take form and to be visible to us.
Any time you have questions I encourage you to ask them so that you will have clarity regarding what I am conveying. I have found from working with clients that the more I can explain things the more it removes any fear the person has and the freer they become.
Since everything is energy based, once a small amount of negative emotion is removed the greater the person’s freedom in all areas of their life and not just the area where the negative energy was bound.
So please ask away.
Since Money Is Energy, no matter what you may currently think, there is an abundance of money. It is just a matter of tapping into that energy. It doesn’t require any special level of intelligence or schooling.
Energy is what you are made of so in a way you can say that you are made of money and be completely accurate.
Subliminal and Supraliminal Messages explanation
Your regular conscious way of learning is through repeated experience and practice; through this process the new information will be stored deep within your mind on an unconscious level. This is how we learn to ride a bicycle, learn math, or even develop our confidence and establish self beliefs for example.
Subliminal learning bypasses this conscious experience and practice stage and sends information directly to your unconscious mind. If the same subliminal messages are sent frequently enough this will lead to the same outcome, i.e. a shift in your self beliefs. The only difference is that the shift comes naturally, from within!
We are all exposed to subliminal messages every day due to the massive amounts of information we are exposed to, and our limited capacity to consciously register it. As a result this may lead to small changes in our minds, or over time if you are exposed to the same subliminal information over and over then there will be lasting changes.
Listening to a subliminal messaging album or watching a subliminal video is simply a way to counteract this and take control. By targeting subliminal messages consistently at your mind, in larger and focused quantities you can make positive changes in areas of your choice.
Subliminal audio can be used to improve any area of your life - from deep internal changes, to improvements in the physical body. For example, you can increase your motivation, become a millionaire ,boost your self esteem, treat illnesses and phobias, the possibilities are endless - even subliminal language learning is possible!
We will now go into the principles behind subliminal messaging and the technical side of how subliminal messaging works. The simplest way to show how subliminal messaging works is to describe it in relation to a more common form of mind programming - hypnosis.
Hypnosis can be extremely effective at changing patterns of behavior, personal beliefs, bad habits, and much more. This is because it bypasses your logical mind, i.e. your conscious mind.
Your logical mind is a function you start to develop around the age of five or six. This is why you can suggest almost anything to a child and they will accept it as truth. When we are younger we are much more susceptible to suggestion - you don't need hypnosis or subliminal messaging to create self beliefs in a child.
When we are adults our logical mind does not let us accept all the information presented to us, so bypassing it is critical for making any major changes in your self beliefs, patterns of thinking, and physical behavior. These changes would be very difficult if using conscious learning / physical action alone, so by accessing your subconscious mind you can solve difficult problems or issues which you wouldn't be able to otherwise.
Hypnosis gains access to your subconscious mind by sending you into a trance. And this is where the difference between subliminal messaging and hypnosis comes in. Subliminal messaging doesn't send you into a trance, but it also accesses your subconscious mind, bypassing your conscious logical mind. You won't feel drowsy, or need to take a time out for an hour and enter a sleep / trance like state. This means that you can use subliminal cds and mp3s while you work, study, go about your daily chores, or even exercise.
We will now go even further into the technical side of subliminal messages and discuss how they are written.
Based On NLP Principles NLP was created by John Grinder and Richard Bandler in the 1970s. Bandler used to sit in a lobby of a hotel and cure people of their fear of elevators for free with NLP. He did this in just 30-45 minutes; shocking the world of psychology and therapy who took months to cure someone of a phobia. NLP has been proven time and time again to make changes in people when other methods have failed, and to create big changes in small periods of time.
At the most basic level subliminal messaging is based on the principles of NLP. NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming, and basically looks at the type of language we use to speak to ourselves on a specific subject, recognizes the patterns, and then aims to change this language to match that used by someone who is successful in the area you wish to improve.
For example if you want to become more confident but your inner voice is saying things like "I can't do this" or "this will be hard" then NLP would aim to replace these beliefs with the core beliefs of someone who has abundant confidence - someone with an inner voice that says "I can do anything I put my mind to".
Based on these principles of NLP, subliminal messaging and sends suggestions to your mind which overwrite your negative beliefs with positive ones. Subliminal messaging isn't just pseudo-science, it is based on one of the most effective forms of therapy and personal development of modern times.
NLP has several ways of changing your beliefs and patterns of thinking, but one of the main and most effective ways, and certainly the simplest, is through the use of positive affirmations, and this is exactly how subliminal messaging works.
Positive Affirmations A positive affirmation is simply a statement which affirms something is true. With repetition the statement becomes stored in your mind, and starts to change your beliefs, influence your personality and even alter your behavior. For example, if you say the phrase "I can do anything I put my mind to" over and over, you will start to really believe it, and it will influence your personality; you will become more confident.
The general guideline is to repeat the affirmations first thing on a morning, and then last thing at night. This is so your goal is fresh in your mind at the start of the day, and so you go to bed with it on your mind too. This is a very simple and effective method which will make dramatic and lasting changes in your mind.
Our subliminal suggestions are basically just positive affirmations designed to create for you the millionaire mindset , but instead of you having to repeat them we have done the work for you, and instead of hearing them aloud they enter your mind subliminally - without distracting you, and without you being aware of them.
The main benefit of using a subliminal audio album is that you can save time - you don't have to stand at the mirror every morning and evening and say the affirmations yourself; it is a more effortless method - you can even play the album while you do other things; work, study, exercise, and yes, even subliminal sleep learning is possible !
Subliminal learning bypasses this conscious experience and practice stage and sends information directly to your unconscious mind. If the same subliminal messages are sent frequently enough this will lead to the same outcome, i.e. a shift in your self beliefs. The only difference is that the shift comes naturally, from within!
We are all exposed to subliminal messages every day due to the massive amounts of information we are exposed to, and our limited capacity to consciously register it. As a result this may lead to small changes in our minds, or over time if you are exposed to the same subliminal information over and over then there will be lasting changes.
Listening to a subliminal messaging album or watching a subliminal video is simply a way to counteract this and take control. By targeting subliminal messages consistently at your mind, in larger and focused quantities you can make positive changes in areas of your choice.
Subliminal audio can be used to improve any area of your life - from deep internal changes, to improvements in the physical body. For example, you can increase your motivation, become a millionaire ,boost your self esteem, treat illnesses and phobias, the possibilities are endless - even subliminal language learning is possible!
We will now go into the principles behind subliminal messaging and the technical side of how subliminal messaging works. The simplest way to show how subliminal messaging works is to describe it in relation to a more common form of mind programming - hypnosis.
Hypnosis can be extremely effective at changing patterns of behavior, personal beliefs, bad habits, and much more. This is because it bypasses your logical mind, i.e. your conscious mind.
Your logical mind is a function you start to develop around the age of five or six. This is why you can suggest almost anything to a child and they will accept it as truth. When we are younger we are much more susceptible to suggestion - you don't need hypnosis or subliminal messaging to create self beliefs in a child.
When we are adults our logical mind does not let us accept all the information presented to us, so bypassing it is critical for making any major changes in your self beliefs, patterns of thinking, and physical behavior. These changes would be very difficult if using conscious learning / physical action alone, so by accessing your subconscious mind you can solve difficult problems or issues which you wouldn't be able to otherwise.
Hypnosis gains access to your subconscious mind by sending you into a trance. And this is where the difference between subliminal messaging and hypnosis comes in. Subliminal messaging doesn't send you into a trance, but it also accesses your subconscious mind, bypassing your conscious logical mind. You won't feel drowsy, or need to take a time out for an hour and enter a sleep / trance like state. This means that you can use subliminal cds and mp3s while you work, study, go about your daily chores, or even exercise.
We will now go even further into the technical side of subliminal messages and discuss how they are written.
Based On NLP Principles NLP was created by John Grinder and Richard Bandler in the 1970s. Bandler used to sit in a lobby of a hotel and cure people of their fear of elevators for free with NLP. He did this in just 30-45 minutes; shocking the world of psychology and therapy who took months to cure someone of a phobia. NLP has been proven time and time again to make changes in people when other methods have failed, and to create big changes in small periods of time.
At the most basic level subliminal messaging is based on the principles of NLP. NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming, and basically looks at the type of language we use to speak to ourselves on a specific subject, recognizes the patterns, and then aims to change this language to match that used by someone who is successful in the area you wish to improve.
For example if you want to become more confident but your inner voice is saying things like "I can't do this" or "this will be hard" then NLP would aim to replace these beliefs with the core beliefs of someone who has abundant confidence - someone with an inner voice that says "I can do anything I put my mind to".
Based on these principles of NLP, subliminal messaging and sends suggestions to your mind which overwrite your negative beliefs with positive ones. Subliminal messaging isn't just pseudo-science, it is based on one of the most effective forms of therapy and personal development of modern times.
NLP has several ways of changing your beliefs and patterns of thinking, but one of the main and most effective ways, and certainly the simplest, is through the use of positive affirmations, and this is exactly how subliminal messaging works.
Positive Affirmations A positive affirmation is simply a statement which affirms something is true. With repetition the statement becomes stored in your mind, and starts to change your beliefs, influence your personality and even alter your behavior. For example, if you say the phrase "I can do anything I put my mind to" over and over, you will start to really believe it, and it will influence your personality; you will become more confident.
The general guideline is to repeat the affirmations first thing on a morning, and then last thing at night. This is so your goal is fresh in your mind at the start of the day, and so you go to bed with it on your mind too. This is a very simple and effective method which will make dramatic and lasting changes in your mind.
Our subliminal suggestions are basically just positive affirmations designed to create for you the millionaire mindset , but instead of you having to repeat them we have done the work for you, and instead of hearing them aloud they enter your mind subliminally - without distracting you, and without you being aware of them.
The main benefit of using a subliminal audio album is that you can save time - you don't have to stand at the mirror every morning and evening and say the affirmations yourself; it is a more effortless method - you can even play the album while you do other things; work, study, exercise, and yes, even subliminal sleep learning is possible !
Hi ,
- What's the ONE hypnotic suggestion
that no one in the history of civilization
has ever NOT obeyed?
- What powerful covert hypnosis
technique did Dr. Brian Alman
learn first-hand from Milton Erickson
(that you can use now)?
- What weight loss hypnosis
technique did Tom Nicoli use
to help his contestant shed
40 pounds on Dateline NBC's
Ultimate Diet Challenge?
In order to teach you how to
master THESE kinds of secret
hypnotic techniques from the
comfort of your home,
The top hypnotists in the world
were gathered under ONE condition:
They had to teach you how to
do it ALL quickly, easily (and
legally), and they would have to
be able to show you in private...
Here's how they were picked:
1. They had to have the most powerful,
fool-proof, rock-solid methods in the world...
2. They had to know how to do such
unusually powerful techniques that
some people actually fear them...
3. They have to be able to teach you
to have a comparable effect on people
I think you'll agree, that it's
extremely unusual to get THESE
10 famous hypnotists to all agree
to get on the phone with YOU and
share their deepest secrets:
Hypnosis 'legends' like:
- Joe Vitale
- Dr. Brian Alman
- Bill Harris
- Tom Nicoli
- Wendi Friesen
- And more
These guys (and gals) are the real deal
"What's the ONE hypnotic suggestion
that no one in the history of civilization
has ever NOT obeyed?"
(I didn't tell you who can answer
that question. If you want to know
you'll have to google the question)...
- What's the ONE hypnotic suggestion
that no one in the history of civilization
has ever NOT obeyed?
- What powerful covert hypnosis
technique did Dr. Brian Alman
learn first-hand from Milton Erickson
(that you can use now)?
- What weight loss hypnosis
technique did Tom Nicoli use
to help his contestant shed
40 pounds on Dateline NBC's
Ultimate Diet Challenge?
In order to teach you how to
master THESE kinds of secret
hypnotic techniques from the
comfort of your home,
The top hypnotists in the world
were gathered under ONE condition:
They had to teach you how to
do it ALL quickly, easily (and
legally), and they would have to
be able to show you in private...
Here's how they were picked:
1. They had to have the most powerful,
fool-proof, rock-solid methods in the world...
2. They had to know how to do such
unusually powerful techniques that
some people actually fear them...
3. They have to be able to teach you
to have a comparable effect on people
I think you'll agree, that it's
extremely unusual to get THESE
10 famous hypnotists to all agree
to get on the phone with YOU and
share their deepest secrets:
Hypnosis 'legends' like:
- Joe Vitale
- Dr. Brian Alman
- Bill Harris
- Tom Nicoli
- Wendi Friesen
- And more
These guys (and gals) are the real deal
"What's the ONE hypnotic suggestion
that no one in the history of civilization
has ever NOT obeyed?"
(I didn't tell you who can answer
that question. If you want to know
you'll have to google the question)...
Millionaire Mind
Hi ,
Its time to let go... say goodbye to all those bad memories, past
relationships, and negative thoughts that hold you back or prevent you
from achieving tremendous success
Today I'm going to show you how to do that quickly and easily.
Many of us hang on to things that at some point have hurt
us, angered us, made us feel sad, or depressed us...
We don't want to hang on to them...
but we just keep thinking about them.
These feelings and emotions will eventually
cripple you and destroy your chance for success...
because by hanging on to them you can't
move forward, grow and achieve wonderful things.
And it gets worse, because by hanging on to the past you destroy
your bodies, your life and your future.
Sure it's easy to say: "Just let go, move forward, forget about
it, just let go." Let's face it, that's easier said than done.
Because your mind is probably filled with unpleasant or negative
situations some of which go back years or even all the way back to childhood.
Other negative experiences may have happened yesterday or 6 months ago.
Something someone did may have angered you, caused you to build up
resentment, seek revenge, etc.
When you hold on to these negative experiences you block our ability to move f
orward and you can't heal.
How many pleasant memories do you recall everyday?
Chances are you don't recall all the good things that happen.
And like many people you have a number of unpleasant experiences
that you're holding on to, and they cripple your chance for success.
These negative experiences can be anything from a
traumatic event that took place during your childhood
to a fight you had with a friend and because of that
disagreement you no longer speak to each other.
These are the kinds of things many people carry.
The more negative experiences you carry the worse life gets,
it's that simple.
Think of it this way; you're on a hiking trip and along
the way you keep picking up heavy objects, things that
really don't serve you but you want to hang on to.
After a while these objects begin to weigh on you,
they slow you down and unless you get rid of them
you'll never get to where you want to go.
You can begin to let go by simply getting your mind
to focus on something different.
It's not about saying: I let go of the pain from my fight with ---- and move on.
That will help but if you really want to start moving on then you
have to get your mind to focus on new things, then you'll
automatically let go of the negative events and situations that
have been slowing you down.
Start focusing on what you want to happen.
Let go of the past and negative situations by getting
your mind to focus on different things.
Direct your subconscious mind to help you let go by giving it new
instructions. Start letting go today
Hanging on to bad memories can kill you.
Because they actually destroy your nervous system and
alter your cells.
Scientists have found that if you hold on to negative feelings
and sad emotions or depressing memories there's a
chance that you could reshape the human cell to the point
where your thoughts of the past have a negative impact on
your cells and your physical health.
Hanging on to negative events can destroy your life in ways
you're not even aware of.
Sure there have been negative things that have happened,
I'm not asking you to ignore them, acknowledge them
because they did happen.
But ask yourself these questions:
Do they serve you any purpose?
Do they help you move forward?
Do they work in your favor in any way?
If you said no to any or all of the above questions then tell yourself:
This emotion/feeling doesn't help me so I'm letting it go and
focusing on what is important.
Then begin focusing on what you want next; focus on what is
important and what can improve your life. This will get your mind
moving in a new direction.
When you begin focusing on more positive things and focus on what
you want you begin shifting that energy and start attracting
positive situations to help you create the life you want.
Your success will depend on how you train your mind and
subconscious mind to focus on what you want.
Start moving forward by choosing to let go of unwanted and negative situations or
events that you remember.
Start moving in a new direction by focusing on what you want.
Begin taking steps to create the life that you want.
Shift your energy and get your subconscious mind to help you
attract positive situations
You can eliminate the negative thinking.
You can let go and move forward.
You are a powerful human being.
You can overcome any setback - once you direct
your mind and subconscious mind
to manifest the success you want
Its time to let go... say goodbye to all those bad memories, past
relationships, and negative thoughts that hold you back or prevent you
from achieving tremendous success
Today I'm going to show you how to do that quickly and easily.
Many of us hang on to things that at some point have hurt
us, angered us, made us feel sad, or depressed us...
We don't want to hang on to them...
but we just keep thinking about them.
These feelings and emotions will eventually
cripple you and destroy your chance for success...
because by hanging on to them you can't
move forward, grow and achieve wonderful things.
And it gets worse, because by hanging on to the past you destroy
your bodies, your life and your future.
Sure it's easy to say: "Just let go, move forward, forget about
it, just let go." Let's face it, that's easier said than done.
Because your mind is probably filled with unpleasant or negative
situations some of which go back years or even all the way back to childhood.
Other negative experiences may have happened yesterday or 6 months ago.
Something someone did may have angered you, caused you to build up
resentment, seek revenge, etc.
When you hold on to these negative experiences you block our ability to move f
orward and you can't heal.
How many pleasant memories do you recall everyday?
Chances are you don't recall all the good things that happen.
And like many people you have a number of unpleasant experiences
that you're holding on to, and they cripple your chance for success.
These negative experiences can be anything from a
traumatic event that took place during your childhood
to a fight you had with a friend and because of that
disagreement you no longer speak to each other.
These are the kinds of things many people carry.
The more negative experiences you carry the worse life gets,
it's that simple.
Think of it this way; you're on a hiking trip and along
the way you keep picking up heavy objects, things that
really don't serve you but you want to hang on to.
After a while these objects begin to weigh on you,
they slow you down and unless you get rid of them
you'll never get to where you want to go.
You can begin to let go by simply getting your mind
to focus on something different.
It's not about saying: I let go of the pain from my fight with ---- and move on.
That will help but if you really want to start moving on then you
have to get your mind to focus on new things, then you'll
automatically let go of the negative events and situations that
have been slowing you down.
Start focusing on what you want to happen.
Let go of the past and negative situations by getting
your mind to focus on different things.
Direct your subconscious mind to help you let go by giving it new
instructions. Start letting go today
Hanging on to bad memories can kill you.
Because they actually destroy your nervous system and
alter your cells.
Scientists have found that if you hold on to negative feelings
and sad emotions or depressing memories there's a
chance that you could reshape the human cell to the point
where your thoughts of the past have a negative impact on
your cells and your physical health.
Hanging on to negative events can destroy your life in ways
you're not even aware of.
Sure there have been negative things that have happened,
I'm not asking you to ignore them, acknowledge them
because they did happen.
But ask yourself these questions:
Do they serve you any purpose?
Do they help you move forward?
Do they work in your favor in any way?
If you said no to any or all of the above questions then tell yourself:
This emotion/feeling doesn't help me so I'm letting it go and
focusing on what is important.
Then begin focusing on what you want next; focus on what is
important and what can improve your life. This will get your mind
moving in a new direction.
When you begin focusing on more positive things and focus on what
you want you begin shifting that energy and start attracting
positive situations to help you create the life you want.
Your success will depend on how you train your mind and
subconscious mind to focus on what you want.
Start moving forward by choosing to let go of unwanted and negative situations or
events that you remember.
Start moving in a new direction by focusing on what you want.
Begin taking steps to create the life that you want.
Shift your energy and get your subconscious mind to help you
attract positive situations
You can eliminate the negative thinking.
You can let go and move forward.
You are a powerful human being.
You can overcome any setback - once you direct
your mind and subconscious mind
to manifest the success you want
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